bis-never sleep with the directorbis-never sleep with the director

Never sleep with the director

Dit boek is Engelstalig geschreven.

Dit boek biedt een alternatieve kijk op regels binnen de filmwereld.

This thought-provoking book offers alternative views of the rules and assumed truths within the film industry. Written with a keen eye and sharp wit on the most prominent dos and don’ts.


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Anneloes van Gaalen never stops researching ridiculous rules in creative sectors and we are thankful for that, because it produces more of these wonderful and bestselling Ridiculous Design Rules books, which make perfect gifts for creative people and those who love creative work.

Auteur: Anneloes van Gaalen
Design: Lilian van Dongen Torman
Taal: Engels
Soort: Hardcover
Formaat: 170×120
Aantal pagina’s: 160
Geschikt voor: Volwassenen

Gewicht 260 g
Afmetingen 17 × 12 × 1.6 cm